The Alabama Alarm Association

Serving Alabama since 1977. 

Meet your Alabama Alarm Association Lobbyist

Heather Coleman Davis

What is Public Affairs and why is that important to my company?

Public Affairs is a term used to describe a relationship with stakeholders.  Stakeholders are individuals or groups with an interest in an organization/ company’s affairs, such as, civil servants, customers and local communities, clients, shareholders, trade associations, think tanks, business groups, charities, unions and the media.

Lobbying is an important component of Public Affairs. Lobbying is the process of influencing public and government policy at all levels: federal, state, and local.

Lobbying involves the advocacy of an interest that is affected, actually or potentially, by the decisions of government leaders. The practice of lobbying is considered so essential that it is specifically protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "Congress shall make no law … abridging … the right of the people peaceably … to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." 


Why should you be involved?

Your company has a vested interest in the politics of Alabama.  You want to be certain that you are able to continue doing business in Alabama.  You want to be a player with a seat at the table when decisions are made about our state rather than a victim of the decisions.

In this state all of the decisions are made at the state level.  There is very limited home rule. With this in mind the importance of working with and developing relationships with the legislature and decision makers in Montgomery becomes very apparent. 

What do you want from elected officials?

  • To protect your company’s ability to succeed.
  • To make certain that state environmental regulations are no more restrictive than the federal regulations.
  • To prevent more paperwork for compliance with regulations.
  • To prevent laws from passing that are harmful to your company.
  • To prevent taxes and fees that are fair to your industry and could ultimately put you out of business.
  • To prevent healthcare policies that over-burden your company.
  • To promote workman’s compensation policies that are fair.
  • To provide you with connections to those who are on decision making committees.
  • To make certain that suppliers prices remain affordable for your industry.
  • To protect your company you need a representative who will take care of your company and your interests.

Heather Davis & Associates is a professional full service public affairs firm offering public relations, business development and communications.  We specialize in managing issues which have both a pubic and a political component.

Mailing Address:

ATTN: Director, Alabama Alarm Association 

 PO Box 563 Montgomery, Alabama 36101

Phone: 334-272-7822

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